Monday, July 26, 2010

Walking, Shopping, and Ice Cream

You heard from me earlier when we got to the hostel, but we have done a few things since then. We took a train down to the Brandenburg Gate. As you walk out of the subway station, the Brandenburg Gate rises out of the pavement in front of you. You walk up the stairs and gradually see the statue on op of the gate and then the pillars. It is a cool effect, and I assume they set up the subway exit for that reason.

After that we just walked around and shopped for souvenirs. It was nice to have no pressure, no rush, and no thinking required. While we were walking, we accidentally stumbled across the Holocaust Memorial (Actually, I think it was called something along the lines of "Memorial for the Murdered Jews"). I am not sure what it all meant and why they made it the way that they did, but it was still powerful. It is rows and rows of stone blocks. They are all the same width and length, but the heights are all different. It spreads out so far that it was impossible to take a picture of it all. The blocks reminded me of coffins in shape, but they were such different heights that they were not exactly the size of coffins. It was powerful. I wondered if the heights showed the different ages of people killed. Perhaps I should look that up, but the speculation and mystery made it powerful.

After some Haggen Daas, a long search for a bank machine, and a stop at a grocery for some sandwich fixings, we are back at the hostel and ready to eat then sleep. Tomorrow, I will head to Sachsenhausen concentration camp, so I would anticipate a good long blog tomorrow.

Gute Nacht!

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